IT Service Plans

Save on Support with a Service Plan

Let our professional team of engineers take total care of your technology needs. Each of our service plans for support services features convenient, hassle-free billing. Simply prepay for a block of hours and the time is deducted from the remaining hours as it’s used. When the time starts to run low, or if you used up all the time and need more, select another block of hours. Remember, the larger the block of time you choose, the greater the savings on services.

Block of Time Plan Rate / Hourly Savings
Hourly $150 per hour
4 Hour $399 / $99.75 per hour $201
8 Hour $720 / $90 per hour $480
15 Hour $1305 / $87 per hour $945
20 Hour $1699 / $84.95 per hour $1301
30 Hour $2490 / $83 per hour $2010
50 Hour $4075 / $81.50 per hour $3425
75 Hour $5995 / $79.93 per hour $5255
100 Hour $7750 / $77.50 per hour $7250
150 Hour $11,250 / as low as $75 per hour $11250

Please note different rates may apply to emergency and after hours support services.



Have questions on our service plans? Call (813) 977-5739 or send an email.